Can you find Jaycee???
Jaycee watching her daddy play soccer.
Jaycee examining the grass.
Her newest developments:
*Jaycee is obsessed with the telephone! It can be the house phone or the cell phone, she wants it. She knows that it belongs on her ears and will point and speak whenever she wants it.
**Jaycee has figured out how to climb things by lifting her legs. She is now climbing on the coffee table, climbing onto the couch, and attempting to climb anything else that she desires.
***Jaycee is a MAJOR organizer. She puts things into piles, she empties bags and boxes, and she enjoys organizing and re-organizing her belongings day after day. She is a bit of a neat freak in some ways. Messes are only okay if she makes them. If there is an item out of place, she takes her time and replaces that item until she is completely satisfied with its newest location.
****Jaycee throws herself backwards for fun (whether or not a person is there to catch her). So far, she has been lucky enough to have one of her parents catch her before she eats it.
*****Jaycee LOVES, LOVES, LOVES spaghetti. It is by far her favorite meal. She ate two entire plates of it last night and way so very happy at the end of it!
And as we go into our 13th month, Jaycee is practically running everywhere she goes. She always has a mission and is so quick on her feet. She hardly ever falls anymore and is wonderful at catching her balance if she ever finds her footing thrown off.