So Jaycee is literally CRAZY for Baby Einstein products! She loves, loves, loves the movies, the books, the flashcards, and the CD's. About one year ago, we bought our very first Baby Einstein DVD at Blockbuster for about $6 just to see if she'd like it. . . It's safe to say that's a BIG yes! Here we are, one year later, with about a dozen DVD movies, 10+ books, two packs of flashcards, and a nice classical CD just to top it off.
We often ask ourselves what it is that she loves so much. Yes, there are animals, songs, kids, and baby sign language, but this kid won't move her eyes once a new DVD begins. We joke and call it "baby crack" in our house now because she cannot live without Einstein.
We were trying to only buy slightly used DVD's at Blockbuster, but now if we visit a store, she goes wild and wants to open the DVD right then and there (hence the $50 purchase last night of the four-pack from Babies R' Us, and that was a deal!).
All the money is worth her items, though. She smiles for hours, laughs, dances, and literally gasps when she gets new Einstein gifts. She is very appreciative, so what mother and father wouldn't spend tons of money for that kind of reaction?
We are now hoping that Jaycee's siblings will be as accepting with Baby Einstein, otherwise we are going to be reselling these hundreds of items for years to come online.