Christmas morning went well in our new little home. It was nice waking up and having a big tree with too many presents under it. The girls had a blast, and we had fun watching them.
Dada was excited for his gift, the Mangroomer! We love you Daddy!
We wanted to get as many family pictures in as we could once we got to Mum and Pa's house on Christmas day. Yes, that is Jaycee wearing yet another princess outfit, tiara and wand included.
Jaycee missed out on some of the family pics because Mum took her back to the house. The mist was trying to come in to create rain, and it got cold fast!

Jayden's photo session was so much fun. She couldn't stop smiling. Once she noticed the pool was so close by, she started to try to get in so that quickly ended our time in the pool chair.