Joshua Gunnar Becerra arrived Monday, October 17, 2011, at 5:01 a.m.
Weight: 8 pounds 4 ounces
Length: 20 inches
Little Josh is doing very well, as is the rest of the Becerra family. He has adjusted well to being home the last few days and is sleeping for longer blocks of time each day. His sisters are so happy that he is home!
Welcome little man!
Jayden was pleased to meet her little brother :)
Jaycee was thrilled to meet him too! :)
Jaycee showing off her gift from Brother (a pair of glass Cinderella slippers!!!)

Proud Daddy with Baby
Pa meeting Little Josh for the first time
On our way home!

Sleeping soundly on day 3
And still sleeping soundly, even with his older sisters around