Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Updates on the girls

This is Jaycee on both of her cell phones at the same time. This is how she conducts all her business: multitasking.

This is how a toddler reader falls asleep. Too cute!

Jaycee asked to hold her sister yesterday. These are some adorable first sister pictures of the girls together.

Here's our giant Jayden sleeping. And wonderful news: Jayden is sleeping in her crib! She slept in it last night for hours and is even sleeping in it right this minute! She is so different from Jaycee. Jaycee never enjoyed her crib. Jayden is so much more independent (aka less needy) than Jaycee was. Perhaps this is because we are experienced parents with a toddler too. Whatever the difference, it was nice to sleep without her in bed with us (only because we got more comfortable sleep!).

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