Strike a pose! Here is Jayden watching some TV after her shower. She was casually leaning back, taking it all in. Too cute!

We went to the Carlsbad Flower Fields the first Sunday of May with Oma Sue. The weather was PERFECT (sunny, breezy, 80ish degrees, at the beach). The flowers were beautiful and my kiddos loved being outside. After the flower fields we walked around the outlet. Jaycee picked out tons of "size 3" clothes at Gymboree for preschool. She is quite the little shopper. She kept asking, "Mama, can I get this? It's a 3!". She has good taste, so how could I say no. We left with some very cute items. We had an appetite after shopping, so we headed to Joe's Crab Shack for lunch. Very good! We got to see a sea lion swimming in the dock, and the girls played at the beach for a little while. . . That is until Jayden got knocked over by a wave. She was such a trooper! She was flat on her back, covered in COLD ocean water, and she never cried once. Dada had to take her back to the car to undress her, wipe off the sand as much as possible, and get her little body warmed back up. That certainly cut our beach trip a little shorter than expected. (We decided to go back to Joe's for Mother's Day lunch and a little visit to the beach to play in the sand. That worked out a little better!)

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