Jayden finally had her 12 month check-up (at 21 months, but who's counting). Her are her latest stats on growth:
Height: 32.2 inches (34%)
Weight: 23.4 (21%)
Head circumference: 18.75 (67%)
She did NOT like her shots one bit. They gave her two shots in each arm and she was mortified. She had a slight fever for a few days and slept a lot. We're very glad that is over! Jayden's terrible twos tantrums have officially kicked in. Here's an example of the problems in Jayden's world right now:
She wants a drink of her sister's water, which is in a plastic cup with a straw. I offer to help her get a drink. When she realizes she can't hold the cup, she runs away and throws herself down on the ground, slamming her fists into the floor and screaming/crying the entire time. Oh, the issues of an almost two year old!
Jaycee Lynn has been enjoying her school days. This is a school photo from a few months ago. We can't believe how big she is getting. Her feet are HUGE! We also got an opportunity to take her to a Beauty and the Beast play in August. She (and her sister) loved it. They sat through the entire play and thought it was magical, even though the actors were kiddos and the theater was just a small one.
We went in for our last ultrasound Friday to measure Baby Boy. The doctor thought he was measuring a bit big, but everything came in right on target. He is currently 5lbs. 10oz. and the tech is guessing he'll be somewhere in the 8lb. range like Jayden was. We only have five short weeks to go before he arrives! Time is really starting to fly by now. I have one more week of work, then I'll be out until the new year. I can't wait! :)

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