Monday, November 30, 2009

Newest Jaycee Developments

Jaycee has started singing this week. She sings the "La la la" song, the "Ba ba ba" song, the "Ma ma ma" song, and of course, the "Sponge Bob" song. She has a beautiful voice and takes singing very seriously.

Jaycee has been such a ham lately, it's hilarious. She waves and yells "Bye" to all sorts of people that she sees. She also is really loving the Christmas lights that are out right now. She tells us "more" as we drive because she thinks every house should participate. Too cute!

Jaycee is going to gobble soon

Here are a few pictures from Jaycee's Second Thanksgiving. She had two helping of turkey, colored, played outside (beautiful weather!), and ended her day by pulling on her Dada's ears and laughing hysterically about it. All in all, it was a very nice day, even though Mama's belly prevented too much food from going down (everything is squeezed by New Baby so there's no room for a huge meal anymore!).

Friday, November 20, 2009

Jaycee's Fun Days

Here are some recent pics from our trip to the Wild Animal Park and Tom's Farm. Jaycee had a great time playing on the playground at the Animal Park (there was hardly anyone there). She was super independent. . . It's crazy to see how different she is one a daily basis now. She talks all day long, signs all day long, and is just a regular big kid. Oh yeah, she has a HUGE sense of humor as well. She thinks she is very, very, very funny. And, she is!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Jaycee's Second Halloween

Jaycee got her very own swing on Halloween this year. She loves her swing and does not seem to ever be ready to get out of it. We made the mistake of putting her in the swing before leaving for Halloween, which caused a bit of crying and anger, but she did get over it eventually.

Jaycee was a giraffe for Halloween this year. She got her very own Elmo bucket for collecting candy and thought that the candy part was just great. She now wants to take the Elmo bucket everywhere. We are assuming this is because she plans on knocking on doors for candy at all times of the day, not matter what the date may be.
After much research and deliberation, Jaycee's Dada decided on being Sponge Bob this year. We thought that she'd pass out from the excitement, but in actuality there were more adults excited than Jaycee was. . . Oh well, Dada is hoping to have another Sponge Bob fanatic so that he can re-wear his costume at a future Halloween date.

The moment her costume came off, Jaycee started picking through her candy. She had a small pack of M & M's and then was on to a sucker. She was not too willing to share, but who would be after all the walking she did. Dada said every person should go trick-or-treating with a 20 month old because people hand out extra candy to the little ones. Who knew? Jaycee did make out like a bandit. And true to form, she along with millions of other kids in America, had a package of Whoppers for breakfast today with her apple juice. You only live once, right?