Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas 2011

We got to start out the Christmas week with Jaycee's preschool program. She was the cutest elf we've ever seen! She did an excellent job singing and dancing. She knew every word to every song! Way to go Jaycee!

Followed by the Santa visit.

Baby Joshua didn't think it was all that. . .

Jaycee's favorite thing to do: dress up! Here is her beautiful RED Belle dress. It fits perfectly! Thank you Oma Sue for that awesome present!

Jayden spent her afternoon in the sand box at Mum and Pa's house. Her serious little face.

Mama's Christmas present: the baby sling for Baby Joshua. He seems to enjoy it so far. He usually sleeps when he's in it, so that's a good sign.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Josh's 2 Month Stats

Here are baby Joshua's 2 month check-up stats:
Weight: 12lbs. 9.5oz.
Head circumference: 15.75 inches
Length: 24.5 inches

He is very similar to Jayden at this time in age. He is only about one pound heavier, and he has 2 inches on the length and head measurements. He's average for all measurements, except for his length, he's in the 94th percentile for that. Basically, he's long and lean. Can't wait to see what the next appointment brings, other than this horrible pain and discomfort from his first set of shots. It really was horrible. I had a happy, smiling baby. . . Then a shocked, red-faced scared/screaming baby in pain. I hate these appointments!

But on a happy note, the pumping is going really well! We should have plenty of milk for our little man once I go back to work (UGH!). Now, our adventure for this holiday week is to get him to drink from a bottle from his daddy. Hopefully that will go over smoothly since he does take a pacifier at night sometimes now (although he still prefers his mama!).

Monday, December 19, 2011

More Presents for Jayden!

Here are some more pics from Jayden's 2nd birthday. She was very serious throughout the entire day. Poor little girl always seems to have a cold!

Little Man is 2 Months!

Here are my Little Man's 2 month pictures. He was officially 2 months on Saturday, the 17th. He has his 2 month appointment this afternoon, filled with wretched shots and pain. We'll have his growth stats for you once that's done. Wish us luck, and the nurse too because I already feel like punching her!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Jayden Rylee!- 2 Years old!!

Jayden Rylee turned 2 yesterday!
She woke up to a new Toy Story 3 sippy cup, 12 mini princess books, and 2 chocolate donuts (because she's two now). Her morning consisted of watching her favorite Calliou show, having a bean burrito for lunch, and a trip to Samsclub to order her birthday cupcakes. We finished up the day with a dinner trip to Red Robin (they sang happy birthday and she got embarrassed and hid in the seat) and a painted trip to Painted Earth. Jayden painted a kitty cat ornament, Jaycee a hippo, and Pa a Santa ornament. We get to pick up the finished projects next week to see what masterpieces everyone has made!

Even Baby Joshua was happy for his sister's birthday! (And he celebrated being 8 weeks as well with lots and lots of milk!) Look at those blue eyes!

Excitement at Painted Earth. Look at these cute faces!

Some fun things about Jayden at her 2 year mark:
*Her favorite thing to say is "Yeap, yeap, peas" (aka, Yes, yes, please) and "Oh no" when something goes wrong
*She loves animals (dogs, cats, she doesn't discriminate)
*She has short little legs and still wears 18 month pants because 24 month pants are too long and baggy
*She loves Toy Story 3, Blues Clues, and Shrek
*She LOVES apple juice, eating real apples and spitting the skin out all over the house, and beans from the inside of burritos
*She gives loving hugs by patting your back
*She gives kisses with more smacking sound than lip to lip contact

Jayden may not be much of a speaking when it comes to anything with more than one syllable, but she makes up for it with her lively, funny expressions. She is a total comedian and hardly ever gets into trouble because she makes everyone laugh, even when she does something sneaky!

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Pancakes with Santa

We went to our annual Firefighter/Santa breakfast last weekend. Here are some cute pics from our morning!