Monday, March 30, 2009

Jaycee's Visit to the Duck Pond

Jaycee with her Poppa.
Um, yeah, Jaycee was trying to get IN the pond with the duckies.
This crazy child grin was permanent at the pond.
This pointing was followed by the wild child scream.
There's one bonus to Mama being short: no bending over to hold Jaycee's hand, even if she is one year old. 
That cheeky grin was too cute!
Just chillin' with her glasses like a big kid.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Our little rodeo queen

Jaycee got to ride her very first horse!!! She rode the ever reliable old mare named Princess. She was walking around her corral and thought that she was just the greatest animal ever. Instead of a little 30 inch person being terrified of this gigantic animal, Jaycee opened her arms, hugged Princess' face, and even gave her a kiss on her nose. She thought riding was pretty cool!

That is one HAPPY kid.

Jaycee thought she was the rodeo queen. We couldn't get her to stop waving and smiling. She even clapped to congratulate herself on a job well done. 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Recent Jaycee pics

Jaycee has been enjoying her favorite pet: her kitty cat. She coos differently then she does to any of the others animals, and she is so nice and gentle with him. She loves giving her fat cat hugs and kisses. We are so glad that she is gentle and not a complete rough-houser.

We aren't sure where she gets it from, but Jaycee LOVES In N Out grilled cheeses and french fries. She especially loves the spread, just like her Mama. Jaycee gets her very own order when we go there and tonight just wouldn't stop eating. She ate half her burger at the table, then proceeded to eat the rest throughout her play session. When she was completely full, she offered the rest of her fries to Charlie, one of the pups. Charlie got about five fries, then Jaycee shared the last one with him. The final action was a nice, tender hug to Charlie. Such a sweet girl!

And yet again, Jaycee passed out while playing this afternoon. She was playing the music on her music train and just laid down out of no where. She did not wake up, her Papa had to put her into bed a few minutes later. It's hard to be a growing girl. The nicest change is that Jaycee is sleeping for about 3 hours per day again (thanks to her growing little body). She also has about three extra teeth. We are to about 11-12 teeth now, including some big honkers in the back! No more baby food, she just won't eat it. If it's in small pieces it is a NO go. She refuses to eat anything that looks like "baby" food. She even ate an entire strawberry for dessert. She held the big thing in her hand and took bites until the whole thing was gone.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some comparison photos

St. Patrick's Day 2008
A few pictures to show baby Jaycee, not big kid Jaycee. It's so hard to believe that we are already on our second round of holidays now! Where does the time go? If we had known that the day-time naps were going to end, we might have appreciated them a little more. Naps are a thing of the past. Crazy what little hair she had (and we used to think she had a lot!).

Jaycee's 2nd St. Patrick's Day

Jaycee's second St. Patrick's Day was spent finding her newest love: OREO COOKIES! She not only loves the cookies, she now demands them if she see the container. Hence, the following photos:

In place of drinking green beer this year, Jaycee opted for the apple juice instead.
Our poor chicken pox ridden kid. Hopefully these things go away soon.

Check out the suction this kid has! Those cheeks are sucking that juice down!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Big Kid Jaycee

Pictures from Jaycee's day at Sea World. 
She was finally able to view the sea lions up close and personal!
She thought they were very similar to her dogs at home, loud and in your face-
they will also do anything for food.

Here are a few pics from Jaycee's wake-up from her afternoon nap. She was a happy girl!

Jaycee had many shots this last visit, one of which being her chicken pox vaccine. Supposedly she had a mild chance of getting a small rash of chicken pox around the vaccination site, but it seems to be a few more than that. Jaycee broke out with some little red bumps and they have yet to go away. She has them on her chest, neck, and face. The bump around her injection site is pretty red and puffy, too now. So for those of you that notice the red dots, that's the explanation. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our New Blog Layout

Here is a picture of Jaycee from one year ago today! Crazy!!! So many changes in just one year. We can't wait to see what one year from now holds!

Hey! Check out our newest blog layout! It took FOREVER to do. . . This one will not be changing for a while. Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Some recent pics

Jaycee enjoying her water. 
Jaycee smiling for the camera. She is soooo cute!
Jaycee showing off her war wounds after the doctors visit. Look how proud she is!
One of Jaycee's newest trends. . . a MAJOR temper tantrum. 
Jaycee likes to play mommy dress up. She uses one of her mommy's old purses and LOVES it.
Jaycee passed out after a long viewing of Baby Einstein. All the necessities: the DVD remote, a blanky, and an empty bottle of milk (whole milk now, no formula). 

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Doctor Visit Update

Jaycee stats as of today's 12 month doctors visit:

Weight: 20.15 pounds

Height: 29.5 inches

Overall verdict: A very healthy little one year old. 

We are so excited because she can basically eat everything now, including: seafood, honey, and all the other good stuff. 

Jaycee still has two bottles a day, one in the morning and one at night before bed. The doc says we need to wean her off the bottle by the next visit (the 15 month visit). Sippy cups, here we come full time. 

She did get three different shots (two in her left arm and one in her right). She was so very sad and mad. I thought she was going to knock the nurse out by the time she went to give her the third shot. She was given all live viruses, so the nurse said her arms would be burning for a bit. Poor baby, she was weepy most of the way home :(