Sunday, October 24, 2010

Long time, no post. . .

Here is Jaycee Lynn passed out of the couch after a long day of fun. She's so peaceful when she sleeps.

This is the hand-picked outfit for making "mud pies" according to Jaycee. It was about 90 degrees outside when she wore this. Apparently weather does not matter, it's all about the fashion.

We took our annual trip to Tom's Farm to get our pumpkins. Here are some of the cute pictures from our day.

Jaycee was a bit timid with the feathered friends. I don't blame her.

Jaycee's day spa treatment was the face painting. She was VERY relaxed during the entire process.

And, we capped the day off with a fun ride on the carousel. She loves riding on it so much, she cried when we had to leave. Poor baby. . .

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Things Jaycee Lynn Says Nowadays. . .

Jaycee's vocabulary development has been fast and furious lately. The other day we went to pick up her painted kitty cat from Painted Earth and on the way home, this is what she said:
"Mama, thank you for being a good helper with my painting."

Then today, she says this:
"Can you close this?" (talking about her ziplock with apple slices in it)
"Can I have your phone?" (taking my iPhone)
"Oh Mama, you have some email messages."
I say, "I do?"
Jaycee says, "Yes. You have one email message on your phone."

What is going on?!?!? She makes us laugh daily with the things she comes up with. If you ever want to know what you really say on a regular basis, bring Jaycee. She'll repeat most of them to you. Too funny!

Here are some cute pictures from the girls daily hang out time. Jaycee now refuses to take her bath unless her sister goes in with her. And Jayden crawls over to the bathroom to join Jaycee as soon as she hears the water running. They enjoy their bath time for playing and splashing. The hardest thing is keeping Jaycee from "helping" to pour water over Jayden's hair.