Wednesday, March 23, 2011

St. Patrick's Day memory 2011

This is what Jaycee thought of taking photos on St. Patrick's Day at preschool. She told me she was "mad" because she didn't want to take pictures.

She really DOES LOVE preschool, I swear!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What we've been up to lately

This is some of Jayden's latest artwork. She snuck a marker in her diaper, turned the corner, and proceeded to Jackson Pollack the wall. Then, she RAN away when Dada caught her. Nice work Jayden!

Jaycee posing as a princess, yet again.

What Jaycee looks like early in the morning when you shove a camera in her face.

So I turned on the shower the other day and stepped away from the bathroom for a moment while the water was heating up. This is what I found when I got back. Jayden LOVES the bath and shower so she took it upon herself to get in early. Luckily, the water was still FREEZING cold and not piping hot yet. Crazy water baby!

Jaycee's makeshift office. She brought all her supplies and was ready to go!

Look how big our kitties are getting! They are so even tempered and nice to the kiddos all the time. We couldn't have asked for nicer cats! And both the girls LOVE them with cuddles and kisses everyday.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Jaycee's Nail Salon Special

Here are some pics from last month's nail salon special! Too cute!

Here is Jaycee with Davida (Mum and Pa's neighbor). Both using their cell phones while waiting. . . Wonder who knows how to use their phone better?!?!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Jaycee's Big Day of Preschool!

Our big girl started preschool yesterday. She will be going two full days every week. She was looking forward to this day just as much as she was going to Disneyland!

She was totally fine with the morning drop off. She didn't cry or hesitate. She went right to playing just like a pro! (now, Mama on the other hand did not do so well!) We called in a few times to check on her throughout the day. She cracked an egg to help make green eggs and ham for Dr. Suess day (she didn't like the green eggs, but she did like the ham). She made an art project with dot art. She even took a nap during nap time!!! (this is a child that has not napped in over 1.5 years!)

When we picked her up, she ran to us crying and happy. She had gotten a bit worried when the other kids started to get picked up.

Overall, Jaycee did AWESOME just like we knew she would. We are so proud of our little lady and all that she is turning out to be!

And then we get home. . . Jaycee developed a high fever last night and probably won't make it to her second day of preschool. Poor baby! Maybe next week we can do both days!