Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wild Animal Park

We decided to venture out on a nice sunny Saturday for Baby Josh's first day at the Wild Animal Park. Here are a few cute pics from our day.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

One Month Already!

Little Josh is already one month old today! He is very solid and heavy! He really wasn't in to smiling for the camera today, so here's all I could get. Maybe next month he'll cooperate a bit better :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Random pictures

Jaycee holding her little brother again. I love how she looks a bit stiff and he looks like he's screaming for help. The story of his life forever :)

Baby Josh sleeping well on top of Pa's belly

I love how you can see all his hair in this pic

Jaycee striking a pose (This is how "princesses" take their pictures I was told)

And Jayden finally has enough hair for a little pony tail in the back. When it is pulled up, she looks like a boy from the front. We'll be waiting awhile until she wears her hair up full time.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Our first and only picture so far of just the three of us (Mama, Dada, and Little Josh). Thanks Oma for taking that one! Who knows when we'll get another one. . . Maybe his high school graduation??

And if this isn't cute, I don't know what is! Hello Cowgirl Jaycee! I love it :)

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Updates from October

When is there time to update the family blog? The answer: Never.
Jayden is asleep, Jaycee is at preschool, Daddy is with sleeping Baby. . . This is my break!

Jaycee finally deciding to hold and kiss her brother for the first time. She did a great job. She is very gentle and loving. Poor little guy will despise those traits when he's older, I'm sure!

Uncle Dave and Tay Tay made it over to meet the Baby. Poor Tay hardly got to hold him because the girls were so excited to see her and play like maniacs.

Baby boy sleeping on his daddy

Jaycee had her Halloween recital on Oct. 27th. She did a wonderful job singing the NINE songs and trick or treating at all the classrooms. She was the prettiest little girl there (and I am not just saying that!!!). Her Cinderella bride's dress was amazing!

Jayden enjoying her very first experience of "circle time" at preschool. She thought it was just amazing to be able to participate!

And finally, Halloween. Here are the pumpkins in order from left to right: Jayden's, Daddy's, and Pa's creations. They actually all turned out very nice this year.

Jaycee as the bride, yet again (this is now a daily wearer in our house).

And Jayden was a kitty cat. Apparently we didn't get a single picture of Little Josh (he was a skeleton). Maybe I'll do a better job of taking pictures next year when I'm not walking around the neighborhood with a two week old in my arms.

Oh yes! The two week appointment update for Little Josh:
Weight: 8 pounds 12.5 ounces
Length: 22 inches
Head circumference: 14 3/4 inches

That means he has grown two inches in length in just two weeks! He is in the 92% percentile for his length (very similar to Jayden at this age in life). We can't wait to see how gigantic he is at his two month check up next month!