Saturday, August 22, 2009

August: The Month of Even More Changes

It's been awhile. . .

Jaycee has officially started wearing a new hair style. The style consists of wearing her hair directly on top of her head, and of course, she must approve it by looking in the mirror. Once her hair started growing long, we tried putting hair clips in to hold her bangs back. Those are still a no-go as far as she is concerned. She loves this new do and cannot wait to have it put up every morning, sometimes even before she has an outfit on. Here is a pic of what it looks like if she takes it out and a pic of what she does when you tell her to "smile" for the camera. She is a nut!

Ever since Jaycee was about six months old, she has been enthralled with Baby Einstein videos. The other night she was watching one of her videos that showed the images along with the sign language for the image. She started signing on her own!! She signs for "computer" and for "telephone". It's amazing that she learned it all on her own. . . Granted she has watching the video 1,000 times plus, but isn't that pretty amazing?

Other Jaycee updates:
- Jaycee now sits through an entire story to be read to her
- Jaycee has started drinking from a regular cup
- Jaycee's new favorite movie is Kung Fu Panda
- Jaycee's favorite TV show is Sponge Bob
- Jaycee kicks when she is in the pool and trying to swim
- Jaycee knows how to put the keys in the ignition and turn it
- Jaycee knows how to put the cars into gear after the keys go in

There have been so many changes lately, it's just been incredible. It's so hard to keep up with her now. She never holds still. And no more walking, it's running only for this kid!

Monday, August 03, 2009

OMG- Poop in the potty!

Jaycee just went potty in her potty for the first time! And it was not a pee, but a poop. She has been going like crazy lately and was in her squatting position. I asked her if she wanted to try her potty and she did. She helped me take off her diaper so she could sit on her big girl potty. It was a bit of a disaster (poop in the diaper, on the side of the toilet, and on her thigh), but all in all, quite a success! Hopefully she will continue to want to go on the big girl potty! :)

Sunday, August 02, 2009

San Diego Zoo

Jaycee also went to the Zoo yesterday. She had a great time there too. All day long she was pointing and telling us about the skyride. We eventually went on it in the evening. She is not afraid of heights at all. She thought looking all around was wonderful. She once again loved the petting zoo. We laugh, but she absolutely hates other kids around unless she wants them there. She lectures. She points. She occasionally tries to hit/push. Her animals. Her petting zoo. Too bad for those other kids!

Wild Animal Park

Jaycee went to the Wild Animal Park last week and had a blast! She saw lots of animals and even walked for most of the trip (up and down hills). She truly enjoyed the petting zoo, the kiddy playground (minus the other kids), and just running wild.