Monday, August 03, 2009

OMG- Poop in the potty!

Jaycee just went potty in her potty for the first time! And it was not a pee, but a poop. She has been going like crazy lately and was in her squatting position. I asked her if she wanted to try her potty and she did. She helped me take off her diaper so she could sit on her big girl potty. It was a bit of a disaster (poop in the diaper, on the side of the toilet, and on her thigh), but all in all, quite a success! Hopefully she will continue to want to go on the big girl potty! :)

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

make sure to get a picture. . . those potty pictures are my favorite :) I always did a sticker chart in the bathroom and both my kids succeeded with it