We have a toddler that is going to be 3 in less than 2 weeks and she is finally using the potty! She has been in the process of being "trained" for the last few days, but today was officially the first day of potty time- ALL THE TIME! If you've ever had a child that has gone through potty training, then you know how unbelievably EXCITING it is, especially when you thought it was NEVER going to happen! We are very proud of Jaycee Lynn. She has been going on her own, telling us on her own, and she has had ZERO accidents today. What an awesome job she is doing. Next step, preschool. . .
Jayden Rylee had a bout of sickness just like the rest of us this month. Her's a picture of her at the middle of her drowsiness. Poor baby, she felt awful for a few days.
Jaycee is a big expert when it comes to acting. She performs scenes from her favorite movies, she sings solos from her favorite Disney musicals. . . she's a natural dramatic actress. Here are some of the pictures that SHE wanted us to take. These are her dramatic faces to show certain emotions:
Happiness :)
Jaycee was enjoying a Wallace and Gromit movie on her computer. Her little sister snuck in behind her to watch too. She had to stay behind Jaycee so that Jaycee wouldn't run her out of her room. Too cute. Jayden is a sneaky booger!
And this was just too cute to not post. This is what we caught our kitties doing the other day after a long hard afternoon of playing. How adorable! (Yes, that is my bathroom sink. And to think, they didn't like each other when they first got her a few weeks ago. . . How time changes things so quickly!)
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