Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jayden's 2 Week Check-up

Jayden had her two week check-up yesterday (actually 16 days old, though). She weighed in at 9 pounds 4 ounces, which means she gained an entire pound in just ten days! She is now 21 inches long and her head is 14 3/4 inches around. Jaycee's head was that size at her two month check-up. Jayden eats about every two hours (to the minute usually) and we have officially made the move from breast milk to formula. As much as I wanted to breast feed and pump while at work, it just isn't going to work out with my schedule. At the rate Jayden was eating, my breast milk was coming in by the gallon and the leaking is not going to work being in front of 3rd graders all day. I really don't want to have to change my shirt four times per work day because of leakage. Jayden is more than happy with her formula and now Dada can bond and feed her too. Jaycee has been a wonderful big sister. She helps grab diapers, announces Jayden's "poop", and has been a lot more interested in touching her little sister. Jayden really enjoys watching Jaycee and is great at ignoring her loud screaming and playing. They are already such a cute pair!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Adorable pictures

Here are some adorable pictures from the last few days. Too cute!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Some pictures of the girls

The picture below is a picture of Jaycee when she was Jayden's age.

Here's the picture of Jayden. Don't they look alike??

Here's our crazy toddler. Jaycee has been such a funny girl lately. She definitely is a comedian. She's so funny that she even makes herself laugh.

A few pictures of Jayden doing what she does best. She has been sleeping wonderfully. She sleeps for 2.5 hour blocks at night. She never really cries for anything, she just makes some baby noises. She is such a calm, relaxed baby; we are lucky to have such a nice baby!

Jayden goes to the doctor today. She should be getting her shots (oh, man), getting her weight measured, and hopefully going home without too much trauma. Poor baby. The first visits are always the worst!

The Birth Story of Jayden

2:45 am- I awake to some contractions (but I don't think too much of them because I have been having early morning contractions for the past few days to no avail)
3:00 am- I finally get out of bed because these contractions aren't going away.
3:30-3:40 am- I have about three contractions back to back and decide I should probably wake up Josh now.
3:50 am- I wake up Josh and get into the shower for one last rinse off before we leave.
4:30 am- We leave the house and head for the hospital (my mom comes over to stay with Jaycee until she wakes up in the morning).
5:05 am- I go to the exam room at the hospital. I am dilated to 4cm. I warn the nurse of my last labor (Jaycee flew out in about 7.5 hours). The nurse just shines me on (as she probably does with most patients) and we head to our delivery room down the hall.
5:10-6:00 am- A total of 4 nurses try to put in an IV. No one can get my vein. They finally call for a trauma ER nurse that gets a vein the very first time (I was poked a total of nine times, all during horrible contractions).
6:00 am- My body starts pushing and I ask to be examined. I am now 7 cm dilated and they are telling me NOT to push (yeah right). The nurse goes to call for a doctor (who is not in the building of course).
6:10 am- I manage to break my water on my own (which is a huge relief). They are still telling me not to push because there is no doctor in sight.
6:19 am- Jayden is born. The nurses deliver her and the doctor shows up about 2 minutes after she's out. The nurses aren't happy with me and neither is the doctor. So sorry I couldn't wait and be on their schedules!

Jayden had the umbilical cord wrapped around the top of her head when she came out. The nurses took her to the nursery right away and I didn't actually get to hold her or see her until about 9:00 am. Josh was with her the entire time and everything checked out just fine. She is a healthy baby girl that just couldn't wait to come out and meet the world.

The nurses said if we decide to have any more kids, we'd better just camp out in the hospital parking lot because the birth was just so quick. Funny because I tried to warn them. . . They say your second come at about half the time, and that definitely held true for me and my two births. I didn't think it was possible to go any faster, but I am glad that it was faster and not longer. This time at least we were prepared and to the hospital before my body started pushing!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Introducing Jayden Rylee Becerra

We are proud parents to our second beautiful baby girl. Jayden Rylee Becerra was born December 12, 2009, at 6:19 am. She weighed in at a whopping 8 pounds 5 ounces and is 20.5 inches long. She is happy, healthy, and a wonderful eater. We are so glad that she has joined out little family! We will post more pictures and the complete arrival story in the near future. Until then, we are quite busy with two under two. . .

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Me- The Walking Phenomenon

So I am hoping that someday I will look back on this blog post and laugh, and hopefully not remember any of it to the extent that I do right now. I would equate myself to a swollen, zebra-like person that is basically crippled compared to everyday real-life. To put it mildly, I am full of extra fluid, and I mean full! My legs, ankles, feet, and even some parts of my belly are larger than life, and not in a good way. As we continue to countdown the days until BB#2 gets here, I am baffled at how long my babies want to stay inside their toasty oven. I was convinced with Jaycee that she would come early. Fat chance, she was born just one day before her given due date. A few weeks ago, I was convinced that Jaycee's little sister would come early. Once again, fat chance. I am in my last week of pregnancy now and she appears to be following her big sister's lead and waiting until very close to her due date!

With Jaycee, I was more anxious to go through the birthing process and was so excited to see her that I just couldn't believe she'd stay in the entire duration. With this baby, I am sore and useless to regular life tasks. There's nothing quite like dropping something on the floor, not being able to see it because of the size of your belly, then thinking "Oh great, I guess that will sit on the floor until someone else picks it up." I cannot reach my toes, my ankles, or even pull up my pants very gracefully. I can no longer sleep (hence the post at 4am without a new baby in the house), and eating has become a chore because I have to eat such small portions in order to continue breathing at a normal pace. And the stretch marks, oh those are glorious. It's times like these I am so thankful to live in a society that encourages clothing. I am hoping to loose some of the beautiful rainbow colors that come along with each new stretch mark relatively soon after BB#2 gets here. I am planning on making the Elliptical my best friend later this month. I thought that Jaycee thoroughly stretched out all portions of my body when she was in there. I have learned now that each child brings their own set of scars to the table, by either adding brand new ones or making old ones into Grand Canyon style stretch marks that go on forever. Lucky me to have such great genetics that allows for NO stretching at all without punishment :) And did I mention that my hips are bad? My body has taken the natural hormone thing to another level when it comes to preparing for pelvic stretching. My hips are good until about the evening time, then they don't seem to work so well. If I sit for long periods of time, they cramp up leaving my as though I've just run a 1,000 mile race. I waddle and grunt pretty much everywhere I go. There's nothing like the echoing sound of your hips popping as you sit on the toilet for your frequent visits. It almost sounds like a gun shot at times. I'm surprised no neighbors have called on it yet!

I am extremely grateful that my babies and pregnancies go very smoothly, but I am ready. Going to your full due date with these little girls has been fun, but that fun can end any time now. No complaints from me. You know it's bad when you are hoping for contractions to start!

Well, we have our final doc appt. later today. We'll see how that goes. . . I have been a whopping 1 cm dilated for the last two weeks with new baby comfortably smashed in her head-down position. Maybe she'll want to come out and play after today's visit. . .

Monday, November 30, 2009

Newest Jaycee Developments

Jaycee has started singing this week. She sings the "La la la" song, the "Ba ba ba" song, the "Ma ma ma" song, and of course, the "Sponge Bob" song. She has a beautiful voice and takes singing very seriously.

Jaycee has been such a ham lately, it's hilarious. She waves and yells "Bye" to all sorts of people that she sees. She also is really loving the Christmas lights that are out right now. She tells us "more" as we drive because she thinks every house should participate. Too cute!

Jaycee is going to gobble soon

Here are a few pictures from Jaycee's Second Thanksgiving. She had two helping of turkey, colored, played outside (beautiful weather!), and ended her day by pulling on her Dada's ears and laughing hysterically about it. All in all, it was a very nice day, even though Mama's belly prevented too much food from going down (everything is squeezed by New Baby so there's no room for a huge meal anymore!).

Friday, November 20, 2009

Jaycee's Fun Days

Here are some recent pics from our trip to the Wild Animal Park and Tom's Farm. Jaycee had a great time playing on the playground at the Animal Park (there was hardly anyone there). She was super independent. . . It's crazy to see how different she is one a daily basis now. She talks all day long, signs all day long, and is just a regular big kid. Oh yeah, she has a HUGE sense of humor as well. She thinks she is very, very, very funny. And, she is!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Jaycee's Second Halloween

Jaycee got her very own swing on Halloween this year. She loves her swing and does not seem to ever be ready to get out of it. We made the mistake of putting her in the swing before leaving for Halloween, which caused a bit of crying and anger, but she did get over it eventually.

Jaycee was a giraffe for Halloween this year. She got her very own Elmo bucket for collecting candy and thought that the candy part was just great. She now wants to take the Elmo bucket everywhere. We are assuming this is because she plans on knocking on doors for candy at all times of the day, not matter what the date may be.
After much research and deliberation, Jaycee's Dada decided on being Sponge Bob this year. We thought that she'd pass out from the excitement, but in actuality there were more adults excited than Jaycee was. . . Oh well, Dada is hoping to have another Sponge Bob fanatic so that he can re-wear his costume at a future Halloween date.

The moment her costume came off, Jaycee started picking through her candy. She had a small pack of M & M's and then was on to a sucker. She was not too willing to share, but who would be after all the walking she did. Dada said every person should go trick-or-treating with a 20 month old because people hand out extra candy to the little ones. Who knew? Jaycee did make out like a bandit. And true to form, she along with millions of other kids in America, had a package of Whoppers for breakfast today with her apple juice. You only live once, right?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jaycee's Fun-Filled Day

Jaycee received the coolest present ever today! She got her very own sandbox, equipped with a personal bench and umbrella. She thinks this is the coolest thing ever invented, since all she ever wants to do is play in the dirt. She was a little confused at first, being allowed to play in the sand and all, but she quickly warmed up to the idea and was a master sand player!

This is what Jaycee looked like after she was asked to get off the carousal at Tom's Farms. We visited the pumpkin patch, rode a train (a "choo-choo" as Jaycee called it), and she rode the carousal 3 different times! She had a great day, then ended it with the sandbox. Oh yeah, she also went into a small petting zoo filled with pigs, chickens, ducks, and goats. She even got to feed and hug some of them.

Oh, the joy that a carousal can bring!

Jaycee being a famous train rider.

Jaycee thought she would help her Dada the other day. She was attempting to change and powder herself in her room. When her Dada caught her, she quickly handed over the powder as though nothing had ever happened. She knows that she needs to use the potty, but she is still persistent on keeping the diapers. Hopefully she'll make the full big girl transition soon!