Thursday, September 03, 2009

Jaycee's Classroom Adventure

Jaycee had a hard day of shopping over the summer at Costco. These are a few of the pictures that we took. She actually fell asleep while sitting up the first time, then we decided to create a little bed for her to sleep in. It was so darn cute!

Jaycee loves going to "school". AKA- Mama's classroom. She takes off like a little monkey and touches literally everything. She plays with magnets, brings us thumb tacks, and even colors on the occasional bulletin board.

Yesterday Jaycee was at school in the afternoon and was coloring very nicely on the chart paper. She was carefully taking the lids off every marker, then she would color, then she would put the lid back on and start over again with a different color. It was so adorable! Then, after a few moments (or two) she came over and had dark blue marker. . . EVERYWHERE! She had decided that the marker might smell good, might taste good, and might be the perfect sized Q-tip. Needless to say, she was covered in dark blue all over her face. Mama laughed. Dada freaked out. Jaycee was confused (we didn't have a mirror to show her what all the drama and comedy was all about).

Luckily, most of the marker came off in the classroom with some soap and water (thank goodness for the new school Mama works at!). She was left with a few battle scars until the end of the evening when she took a bath. Even though the markers were made by Sharpie, they came off pretty well.

Can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans she gets herself into next time. . .

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