Friday, January 29, 2010

The Cutest Picture Ever!

Here is my happy Jayden Rylee. She is almost 7 weeks old already! Where in the world does the time go??

She is wearing 3 month clothing already, hence the capris that are newborn in size. She enjoys watching her big sister dance for her. It's so cute because Jaycee puts on her Elmo dance hands and does an entire performance for Jayden. Jayden watches Jaycee's every move. She is already infatuated by her big sister. Jaycee has been a huge help with Jayden too. She gets diapers and announces the diaper changes, she helps put the lid on her bottle, and will always bring her sister her blanket if she forgets it somewhere. So darn cute! Having girls is the best!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Genius of Jaycee

Even though Jaycee is not quite 2 years old just yet, she is a genius. And I don't just say this because I am her mother and I obviously think she's a genius. Here's just a small list of all the skills Jaycee has already mastered. . .

Her colors, including:

Her shapes, including:

Any time we go out and run errands, she is constantly making real world connections and pointing out all the shapes and colors that she knows so well. She is also obsessed with "learning" and "reading" and she tells us daily. She has mastered how to use the iPhone and has many learning games that she plays. She matches puzzles, counts numbers, recites her letters, and even occasionally checks out emails. We joke that she's going to hack into some computer system somewhere in China, but really, that is completely possible. Just look at this picture she made on one of her games. She did this entirely herself and I didn't even know about it until I uploaded my pictures from my phone. . .

Our cute little girls

Here is Jaycee pointing out her sister. They are dressed in the same patterned pajamas. How cute is that!

Jayden is growing so fast! We can't believe how many weeks have already gone by. Where does the time go? Jayden sleeps for a 5-6 hour stretch at night before she needs a feeding. She is just like Jaycee when it comes to sleep. At five weeks old, she slept for about 5 hours. Now at six weeks old, she sleeps for about 6 hours. Once she eats, she goes right back to sleep. Jayden has been awake a lot more during the daytime. She is such a well behaved baby. She is easy going, happy, and just an easy baby all around! We are so lucky to have such nice little girls!

Check out all of Jaycee's monster teeth. Scary!

This was the best I could get for Jayden's smile. She has been smiling and cooing lately. So cute!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another Day of Fun

Here are a few pics of Jayden from today. We finally broke down and bought a cute pink swing for her. She seemed to like it. She was passed out!

Jayden's adorable, warm outfit. She slept so well after being out in the fresh cool air.

Jaycee and Dada played with bubbles. Jaycee thought they were pretty awesome.

And what happens after an afternoon of fun? Why, you pass out of course! With your head smashed into the back of the couch with your iPhone still on. Crazy girl!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pictures from Today

A quick comparison: Jaycee vs. Jayden for the very first bath (and somehow we managed to bathe them for the first time at the exact same age, 25 days old).

We had typical, beautiful Southern California January weather today. It was so nice that Jaycee decided to play poolside, completely naked! The water was freezing, but nonetheless, she threw in some toys and played.

Jayden and Dada enjoying a nice day by the pool.

Jayden: The Serious Thinker

Jaycee being silly by the poolside.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Updates on the girls

This is Jaycee on both of her cell phones at the same time. This is how she conducts all her business: multitasking.

This is how a toddler reader falls asleep. Too cute!

Jaycee asked to hold her sister yesterday. These are some adorable first sister pictures of the girls together.

Here's our giant Jayden sleeping. And wonderful news: Jayden is sleeping in her crib! She slept in it last night for hours and is even sleeping in it right this minute! She is so different from Jaycee. Jaycee never enjoyed her crib. Jayden is so much more independent (aka less needy) than Jaycee was. Perhaps this is because we are experienced parents with a toddler too. Whatever the difference, it was nice to sleep without her in bed with us (only because we got more comfortable sleep!).

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Christmas 2009

I know Christmas has been over for awhile, but better late than never. . . right?

Here is a picture of Dada and Jayden on Christmas Eve. There was a very funny joke. Can you tell??

Dada and his girls. This was the best picture because Jaycee could not hold still for very long. . . too many presents. Notice that the girls are in the same shirt! Cute!
"Auntie" Taylor holding Jayden (Uncle Dave's girlfriend and Jaycee's teenage play buddy).

Christmas morning was a hard one for little Jayden. She mostly slept through the opening of presents and pictures.
Jaycee did have on pajamas for a short while. She then chose out her own holiday inspired T-shirt, ripped off her pants, and put on her sparkle shoes. She has quite the fashion sense!
Check out Jaycee's princess shoes with the heel! She loves them!

Quite possible the best gift of the day from Auntie Taylor. Jaycee got Sponge Bob sweat bands (4 of them!) and sheets of Sponge Bob stickers. Awesome!
Jaycee also thought her Tickle Me Elmo Hands were wonderful, but only if she could dance along to the DVD that came with them!
The best family picture of the morning.
Jaycee's final outfit of the day. Double ankle warmers, Elmo hands, Sponge Bob stickers in her hair. . . What else could a 22 month old ask for??

And a few days after Jaycee's Christmas she got a horrible fever. She was out sick for a few days and now Mama and Dada aren't feeling great. Wonderful. . . hopefully Jayden will keep feeling fine!