Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Our cute little girls

Here is Jaycee pointing out her sister. They are dressed in the same patterned pajamas. How cute is that!

Jayden is growing so fast! We can't believe how many weeks have already gone by. Where does the time go? Jayden sleeps for a 5-6 hour stretch at night before she needs a feeding. She is just like Jaycee when it comes to sleep. At five weeks old, she slept for about 5 hours. Now at six weeks old, she sleeps for about 6 hours. Once she eats, she goes right back to sleep. Jayden has been awake a lot more during the daytime. She is such a well behaved baby. She is easy going, happy, and just an easy baby all around! We are so lucky to have such nice little girls!

Check out all of Jaycee's monster teeth. Scary!

This was the best I could get for Jayden's smile. She has been smiling and cooing lately. So cute!

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